Shattered by Eric Walters

By: Eric Walters

The name of the book I have is Shattered by Eric Walters. It starts with the protagonist who needs 40 hours of community service to pass his civics class. His teacher sets him up this job at a soup kitchen that isn't exactly in a good neighborhood. On his first trip there he almost gets mugged but, fortunately, gets saved by a homeless man. As it turns out he served in the special forces in Rwanda and suffers from PTSD This homeless person (they call him sarge in the book) is a drunk because he witnessed the massacre that happened in Rwanda.
I've always liked historical fiction and this book was no exception. Although Eric Walters has done different books like this, (e.g. We all Fall Down and United We Stand) Shattered has to be my favourite by him. He does a great job of keeping a certain amount of unpredictability in this book, while at the same time you can put it down for a day or two and come back to it without having to re-read anything. In conclusion this is a great read and definitely worth your time.